4 point 5 of us....


Changes are coming for our wee family... 4 will become 5 in February and having made the transition to 2 kids at school/nursery this autumn (and lots more kid-free time!) we'll be back to all-things-baby in 3 months time!  So we're squeezing all we can out of our free mornings... walking, running (while I still can), coffee breaks galore, netflix and just taking things at a nice pace.

 And with this gorgeous autumn weather we've been given, we jumped at the chance (finally) to take what could well be one of our last sets of photos as a foursome.  Olivia (6) and Jude (3) are at such a great wee stage, we have a lot of laughs, and Tim and I just adore being with them and lapping up our surroundings together. SO thankful we get to live where we do, it just never gets old!  

(PS. technically should be 4.67 but it doesn't have the same ring...)